The globe is attempting seriously at present to counter the spread of coronavirus – the invasion and also spread of international antigens into the body system from the outside world. As well as to this end, great breakthroughs have certainly been accomplished scientifically, particularly in creating a COVID vaccine.
The impressive truth is, however, there currently exists within each of us, miraculous immune-improving professors who are 100% reliable, totally secure for every age group and also offered completely free.
Consequently, like the honey bee working for the hive, we need to be much more aggressive in gathering even more of this freely available health and wellness Nectar from within– a Nectar developed especially by Nature to shield our very own body-hive and also psychological stability.
In tangent with that standards, this article provides old knowledge on just how this natural means of strengthening the body’s general immunity and also psychological wellness, can be obtained. Just how protection from a disease-attracting awareness can be developed and also preserved. A parallel means of solving the pandemic holistically.

Demand for Decoding Aged Texts
To provide this ancient method, of responding to coronavirus and also psychological wellness, it’s required to decode some aged messages: messages which inform of the immunity-providing Nectar, not just for coronavirus but a lot more, as we shall see.
In easy language, after that, with regard to this existing pandemic, allow us to develop in mind just what the two adhering to health-providing bibles are connecting to.
While not referring straight to coronavirus, Genesis 12-1 is clearly describing the amazing Nectar Location where all our preventative Honey can be harnessed and also saved for health assimilation. Exactly how overall health and wellness preservation can be ours by a basic application of mind.
Milk and also Honey
Genesis 12-1 NIV states: “The LORD said unto Abram: go from your country, your individuals, and your dad’s family to the land I will certainly reveal you”.
Genesis 12-7 ESV states: “To your offspring, I will provide this land”.
Genesis is referring to coming upon the ‘milk and honey on the other side’ – the Promised Land – a renascence of awareness which will certainly expose brand-new criteria of physical health and wellness, mental conservation as well as awareness, while also lowering the mobile aging procedure.
Allow us to demystify what exactly ‘Promised Land’ ways. Allow us to uncover just where precisely this Promised Land faculty is, and also, a lot more notably, just how we can each arrive almost normally.
When these two bibles are researched from the non-literal perspective, incredibly we come across the innately existing means of halting the intrusion and also spread of coronavirus non-pharmaceutically.
To this end, the ‘Jews’ in Genesis 12 were commanded to occupy a metaphorical land, a land that exists within each people. In other words, the scriptural scribe is educating us to make conscious contact with a Perfect Nectar, which, for some, can continue to be unconscious and veiled with closed minds and spiritual ignorance.
Allow us to clarify this essential term ‘Jew’. The term ‘Jew’ pointed out in Genesis, is NOT describing Jewish individuals, their nation, or its landmass. No. The term ‘Jew’ in the Scriptures language is referring to one focused inwardly on spiritual matters. A heart set on bumping into their very own indwelling Christ, the Wonder Seed awaiting pollination unto consciousness by internal means. Simply put, ‘Jew’ is a meditator, one awakening unto our very own spiritual heart and mind by internal methods.
From here we can collect, that the area Abram was instructed to travel to with his people – people implying his ideas– is within and, to this end, that he gives up all mental anxiousness as well as battle. The land Abram is regulated to take a trip to is deep within one’s Higher consciousness, a state which is constantly serene, healthy as well as Perfect according to CASS Conservancy.